History by numbers

Riddel Hall 185 Stranmillis Road , Belfast, Co Antrim, United Kingdom

This closed workshop is aimed at pre-invited A-level students.

Police stop and search in Northern Ireland

The Black Box (Main Room) 18-22 Hill Street, Belfast, Co Antrim, United Kingdom

Join Dr John Topping as he examines the impacts on crime and the social costs of police stop and search powers in Northern Ireland.

The good, the bad and the ugly

Riddel Hall 185 Stranmillis Road , Belfast, Co Antrim, United Kingdom

Join Dr Shirley-Ann Hazlett to discuss the role of business in society and to find out why some businesses are better at it than others.

Christmas Brexit Clinic at Queen’s

Moot Court Room School of Law, Tower Building, Belfast, Antrim, United Kingdom

Why not come along to the next QPol Brexit Clinic at Queen's on Wednesday 20 December at 12.00 noon.

EMU, New Economic Governance & Social Justice Research Seminar

The Senate Room Lanyon Building, QUB, Belfast, United Kingdom

Join TREUP at Queen's for this interdisciplinary research seminar that addresses whether the legal frame of Economic and Monetary Union is in irreconcilable tension with the EU’s renewed social agenda and questioning whether the recently proclaimed European Pillar of Social Rights is sufficient to revive the EU’s original socio-economic model in the face of ongoing global economic distortions.

2018 Eaton Lecture

Queen’s University Belfast is pleased to invite you to attend the 2018 Eaton Lecture. It will take place on Friday 16 February, 9.45-11am, in The South Dining Hall, on the main Queen’s University Lanyon site.  The Guest speaker will be The Honourable Elizabeth Dowdeswell, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, Canada, who will address ‘Sustainability and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals’.  

QPol Brexit Clinic February 2018

The Senate Room Lanyon Building, QUB, Belfast, United Kingdom

QPol Policy Engagement at Queen’s invites you to the latest in its series of ‘Brexit Clinics’ bringing together academic experts and stakeholders to discuss the issues facing the UK, to consider the particular challenges the process poses for Northern Ireland and to provide informed insights into the process.