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Children and Young People
Children and Young People
Northern Ireland risks being left behind because children are not required to learn a second language in primary school
27th June 2019
Children and Young People
What do 11-year-olds think about Brexit?
11th June 2019
Children and Young People
The Turpin family: children hidden in ‘plain sight’. What child protection messages can we all learn?
23rd May 2019
Children and Young People
Sexual Exploitation and Abuse by Children and Young People: ‘Normal’, ‘Risky’ or ‘Harmful’?
26th September 2018
Children and Young People
Do collective punishments in classrooms breach the Geneva Convention?
31st May 2017
Children and Young People
Why the age of criminal responsibility should be raised in Northern Ireland
18th May 2015
Children and Young People
Should 16 year olds be able to vote?
4th May 2015