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Environment and Climate
Saving Lough Neagh: The Contribution of the ‘Rights of Nature.’
26th January 2025
Environment and Climate
Why we need to listen to farmers’ perspectives on lynx and wolf reintroductions
20th June 2024
Environment and Climate
What next for climate politics in NI?
25th May 2022
Environment and Climate
Decarbonising residential heating in Northern Ireland
3rd November 2021
Environment and Climate
Broadcasting as Usual as the Planet Burns: Recent Media Coverage of Climate Breakdown
30th August 2021
Environment and Climate
The latest terrifying Climate Report: Fiddling while the planet burns? ‘Code Red’ for humanity…. or capitalism and carbon?
13th August 2021
Environment and Climate
Spread Climate Change spirit with your words and implement a Climate Change Act with your actions in 2021
14th January 2021
Environment and Climate
The legacy of a Harbour Master and the opportunity of a Climate Change Act
19th November 2020
Environment and Climate
All I want for Christmas is a Climate Change Act
14th October 2020
Environment and Climate
Are teenage dreams turning into a Climate Change nightmare?
2nd September 2020
Environment and Climate
What would John do?
12th August 2020
Environment and Climate
Waking up to Climate Change
20th July 2020