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Environment and Climate
Fossil fuel divestment will increase carbon emissions, not lower them – here’s why
26th November 2019
Environment and Climate
Climate breakdown: The time to act is now…
7th November 2019
Environment and Climate
The social, climate and health reasons for making public transportation free
21st August 2019
Environment and Climate
Sharing and caring for things for a Sustainable Economy
12th August 2019
Environment and Climate
From declarations of climate emergencies to climate action: narratives and strategies of wartime and citizen mobilisations for rapid and just transitions
8th August 2019
Environment and Climate
Why we need a just energy transition to address our climate emergency
6th August 2019
Environment and Climate
What Green surge could mean for the new European Parliament
6th June 2019
Environment and Climate
UK Climate Resilience Programme Event – Slides Now Available
28th May 2019
Environment and Climate
What is the future of environmental governance in Northern Ireland?
10th August 2018
Environment and Climate
Climate change, Ireland, and the Climate Emergency Measures Bill
23rd July 2018
Environment and Climate
Giant lizards are thriving on Borneo’s oil palm plantations
2nd November 2017
Environment and Climate
Floods, Resilience and dealing with Climate Change (and Denial) in Northern Ireland
24th August 2017