Category: Children and Young People Children and Young People Raising the minimum age of responsibility: the research evidence Children and Young People Raise the Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility in Northern Ireland Children and Young People Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility [MACR] – Why it should be raised in Northern Ireland Children and Young People Restorative justice and the minimum age of criminal responsibility – #RaisetheAge Children and Young People Restorative justice and the minimum age of criminal responsibility Children and Young People Pragmatism didn’t work – Time for Vision Children and Young People Getting to the Heart of the Matter: Addressing the Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility Children and Young People What caused the wave of rioting this Spring? Children and Young People If I were Jack: Relationships and Sexuality Education in Irish-medium Schools Children and Young People Paramilitary violence as a children’s rights issue Children and Young People Northern Ireland risks being left behind because children are not required to learn a second language in primary school Children and Young People What do 11-year-olds think about Brexit? Page 1 of 21 (current) 2